Time in Guam Time Zone of the USA | ChST Time Zone Map

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Chamorro Time Zone is one of 9 time zones utilized in the United States. What states are in Chamorro time zone? Like Atlantic and Samoa time zones it is not used in the states, but in the U.S. territories.

Chamorro time zone abbreviation is ChT or ChST.

What is Guam Time Zone?

Guam Time Zone is the same as Chamorro Time Zone. It is the time zone of Guam which is also observed in the Northern Mariana Islands.

The current name of the time zone is Chamorro Time Zone, because of the Chamorro people who are the original inhabitants of the Northern Mariana Islands. Formerly it was named Guam Time Zone.

The Map of the Chamorro Time Zone

You can see the time zone for Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands on the map below:

Chamorro Time Zone map

This is Chamorro time zone map. What else times zones are utilized in the United States see on the map of the all US time zones.

The time of Guam/Chamorro Time Zone now

Chamorro time zone current time is on the clock:

Standard time of the Chamorro Time Zone is 10 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time. The daylight saving time is not recognized there, so the time always means UTC+10:00.

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