If your credit card starts with 7 it may mean different thing. First of all, you can determine the business which the card issuer is involved in. The name of the company issued it is also possible to identify but you may need to know more digits of the card number.
What credit cards start with 7?
Usually credit cards that start with 7 are issued by gasoline companies. However, BINs starting with 7 may cover more industries including healthcare, telecommunications and other future industry assignments. Bank cards are also not an exception, and you may meet classic payment card of the bank with such beginning.
What kind of credit card starts with 7?
There are a lot of fuel cards among the cards that start with 7 along with debit and credit cards of the banks. In addition, credit card which begins with 7 may be loyalty card for consumer of some companies.
Issuers of the credit cards starting with 7
Credit card starting with 7 is likely to be issued by a gasoline company such as UK Fuels Ltd., Red Fuel Cards Europe Ltd., Shell Global, etc. In addition, you may find out that credit card begins with 7 but is issued by a private label.
Some credit card numbers that begin with 7 may identify such large issuers as Maestro and GPN (Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional).