Time in Pacific Zone of USA | Map of PT time zone & list of states

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The Pacific time zone is the time zone which covers a part of the contiguous United States and some neighbouring countries. It is one of nine US time zones officially established there, but within the continental United States it is one of four time zones.

Where is the Pacific time zone?

The Pacific time zone covers the western part of the United States: from the western coast of the continent to the border with Mountain time zone.

The map of Pacific time zone

Pacific time zone map shows the location of it as well as all states included there:

Map of the Pacific time zoneAll time zones of the USA see on the full map of US time zones.

What states are in Pacific time zone?

Only 5 US states are included to PT time zone. This is one of the reasons why the Pacific time zone is the third most populated time zone in the United States.

Among them only these two states use the Pacific Time all over their territories:

  • California, CA;
  • Washington, WA.

They are fully contained in the Pacific Time Zone. The rest of states are cut by the Mountain & Pacific border, where the Pacific time zone line is.

List of split states by Pacific and Mountain time

There are also 3 states in USA which observe both Pacific and Mountain time. Here they are:

  • The Pacific Time is used in some western counties of the state (Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Clearwater, Kootenai, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce and Shoshone) as well as in north part of Idaho. The entire lower half of the state is in the Mountain time zone.
  • Almost all territory of this state is on Pacific time zone, but there is a small area near the east-central border where Mountain time is observed (Malheur county).
  • Whole state officially observes the Pacific time, except for West Wendover where the Mountain time is used.

What time is it in the Pacific time zone?

Current time in Pacific zone is shown on the clock below.

At the moment such time is used in the following cities: Los Angeles, Portland, Las Vegas and others.

Where is Pacific Standard time zone? PST is 8 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). UTC Offset there is UTC -8.

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