Time in the Mountain Time Zone of USA | MT time zone map & list of states

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The Mountain time zone is the second westernmost time zone in the United States, which is also used in Canada and Mexico. It is considered to be the least populated time zone in the USA.

There are 9 official time zones in the United States. The Mountain time zone is one of them.

Where is the Mountain time zone within USA?

MT is that time zone which is located between the Central time zone and the Pacific time zone. 13 states of the US are included to this time zone, 6 of which are fully within the boundaries.

Map of the Mountain time zone

The Mountain time zone map shows which states are included to it and which border on it. You can see it here:

Map of Mountain time zone

To see other time zones of the USA, follow the link “All US time zones map”.

The list of states in the Mountain time zone

What states are in the Mountain time zone? It covers 13 states in the US, but only these are fully contained:

  • Arizona, AZ;
  • Colorado, CO;
  • Montana, MT;
  • New Mexico, NM;
  • Utah, UT;
  • Wyoming, WY.

All these states use MST in the winter and MDT in the summer. The state of Arizona is an exception. Daylight saving time is not used there (everywhere except for Navajo Nation).

What else states are in Mountain time zone?

There are some else states which are located on the borders with neighboring time zones and only partly belong to Mountain time zone.

Central & Mountain time zone

These time zones divide such states as:

The name of state Where does Mountain time zone start?
Kansas The majority of the state is on Central time, while Sherman, Wallace, Greeley and Hamilton counties use Mountain time.
Nebraska Only about 30% of this state belongs to MT. It includes counties located in the west part: Arthur, Banner, Box Butte, Chase, Cheyenne, Dawes, Deuel, Dundy, Garden, Grant, Hooker, Keith, Kimball, Morrill, Perkins, Scotts Bluff, Sheridan, and Sioux and the western part of Cherry. However, most of the state’s population still uses Central time.
North Dakota The southwestern corner of North Dakota uses the Mountain Time. It covers such counties as Adams, Billings, Bowman, Golden Valley, Grant, Hettinger, Slope and Stark. The counties of McKenzie, Dunn, and Sioux are contained partly. The rest of the state uses the Central Time.
South Dakota Western half of the state is in Mountain time zone. Rapid City and the Black Hills mountain range are included there.
Texas Only the extreme western corner of Texas that borders New Mexico and Mexico uses the Mountain Time. The city of El Paso is also included. The rest of the state TX, containing the entire panhandle, is in Central time zone.

What time is it in the Mountain time zone?

Please note that clock times may vary during different times of the year! The reason of it is that some cities and states recognize daylight savings time (DST), while others do not. For example Denver observes DST, while Phoenix does not.

Current time in Mountain time zone is shown below on real time clock:


This is the time for such big cities in USA as Albuquerque, Boise, Denver, El Paso and other. Within the Mountain time zone there can difference in time, because some cities and states canceled DST, as we have already told above.

As the Mountain Standard Time (MST) is 7 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), UTC Offset there is UTC -7.

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