Map of area codes in Virginia, VA | Locations with coverage

+1 is the first digit of all phone numbers in the United States. The next 3 digits are named the area code, which might be used in exact state or in a specific location of it. Here you can see what area codes are in Virginia, VA.

Area code map for Virginia

All area codes in Virginia map are shown here:

Virginia, VA area codes map

As you can see above, Virginia area code map is divided into several color zones. It means that in different parts of the state spelling of local phone numbers may differ. At the same time there might be a list of area codes which is used in only city, county or other specific location forming an overlay complex for these VA parts.

Color zones are presented only for approximate location’s visualization where the phone numbers with the specified area code are used. In reality, the boundaries may differ or be not so strict.

List of Virginia area codes

276, 434, 540, 571, 703, 757, 804, 826, 948

Why is area codes map needed?

The map of area codes in Virginia is helpful instrument which allows showing the list of phone number’s codes used there. For more detailed information we recommend to use the following searchers:

Also you might be interested in full definition of the term “area code”. We’ve written about this in the article “What is an area code?”.

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