Current Time and Date in Alton Bay, New Hampshire | What time is it now?

What time is it in Alton Bay, New Hampshire, right now? Check the local time and date of Alton Bay, Belknap County, New Hampshire in classic clock or digital watch:

Current Time in Alton Bay, New Hampshire


The time in Alton Bay, NH

Eastern Time Zone Map


Eastern Time Zone Map

See the Eastern Time Zone.

Time in Alton Bay in 24-hour format now

The digital clock shows time in 24-hour format as well as current date:

Time in Alton Bay in 12-hour format now

This watch demonstrates time in 12-hour format:

Time Zone of Alton Bay, New Hampshire

  • Alton Bay, NH belongs to Eastern Time Zone. Open Eastern Time Zone Map.
  • Due to IANA system, it has the time zone name or ID – “America/New_York”, which helps to determine exact time there.
  • Due to Universal Time Coordinated (GMT / UTC) there is the offset by UTC-5.
  • Time zone abbreviations: EST, EDT.

Is daylight saving time used in Alton Bay, New Hampshire?

Daylight saving time is observed in Alton Bay. For this reason, the times during the calendar year will be as follows:

Standard Time (STD) Daylight Saving Time (DST)
Abbreviation EST EDT

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If you need to know the exact time not only in Alton Bay, New Hampshire, but also in another city or locality, you can find it here by selecting the city you are interested in – What Time is it? The World Clock.

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